

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

What is SQL(Structured Query Language)?

"SQL" stands for "Structured Query Language." It is a programming language with specialised functionality for managing and modifying relational databases. By defining, querying, manipulating, and updating data in a database, SQL is used to interact with it. It offers a standardised method of interacting with databases and carrying out numerous activities, including data retrieval, record insertion, record update, and data removal.

SQL is widely used in a variety of database management systems (DBMS) such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, and SQLite, among others. It is a non-procedural language, meaning that users only need to specify what they want to be done rather than how to do it.

SQL is a powerful tool for working with databases, and its syntax is relatively simple and easy to learn. It is essential for anyone involved in database administration, data analysis, software development, or any other field where working with structured data is required.

Some common SQL commands include :-

SELECT :- Used to retrieve data from the database.

INSERT INTO :- Used to add new records into a table.

UPDATE :- Used to modify existing records in a table.

DELETE :- Used to remove records from a table.

CREATE TABLE :- Used to create a new table in the database.

ALTER TABLE :- Used to modify the structure of an existing table.

JOIN :- Used to combine data from two or more tables based on related columns.

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